Never ask a kidder if they are being serious....Someone did that on Twitter, Sam was aghast! Got that Ferret determination to be even more sarcastic, so much so, he started a blog!!
We set out to find some slang and everyday sayings on Twitter, and to look for material for character development. In order to develop the characters we wanted a trove of national slang, and not just regional. Thus throughout the profile, you find references to slang, and conversations about whether a saying is slang, or has passed into the larger vernacular.
Sam the sarcastic ferret actually exists, his "I don't care what you think" attitude is very ferret like of course, but in the greater scheme, he mimics alot of the funny stuff he collects on the Samuel_Clemons time line
About the time line: Sam has to survive on Twitter. For him to collaborate with just writers would not do at all. In order to collect the day to day usages he desires, he must be a regular guy...Sam has to ReTweet, shout out, post tweets, he has to be part of the culture, not just an observer. So there are endorsements for causes, multiple enduser RT's and obviously he RT's friends he knows and trusts, just like you do. He also crosses all demographics.
Peeves..There are comedians, jokesters, all kinds of content providers who follow Sam, and he has to remember that his stuff might end up as a joke in some celebrities tweet, and that has happened. Sam just keeps on writing, entertaining and doing his "Ferret Dance for Joy" which he quite often is wont do do.
Please submit your blog, and feel free to be sarcastic or funny or dance, or vent......Or smarmy, smarmy is good.
Follow Sam the Ferret at