Thursday, September 5, 2013

a typical morning

i wanted to give my one adoring fan a blog post, i likes to stick wif what works for me: useless drivel, complete nonsense, and  good thorough time wasting roll fru da ether....  hopefully i have not disappointed you fan, whoever you are

before i begin, i have a problem: my squiggly key is broken, so i can't make wigglies on my twitter.  yep. this is probably a sign of the apocalypse...  just threw dat out there buy tin foil hats or something, tell em Sammy sent ya

today, i wanted you to get a snippet of my twitter timeline, an encapsulated look at what my existence has become, i get my morning massage, ask da pet human to bring me my slippers and tv remote, and settle in for morning reading, this is what I saw:

  you're not supposed to laugh yet, i haven't typed anything,


what is a "morning read" wiffout seein' my own tweets?  doesn't everybody favorite their own stuff?  just SOP 'round here

i got all kinds of people, i don't exclude people just because they can't spell....  hey, i can't even reach da shift keys who am i to complain?

this person seems to have one of those ongoing dialogues with themselves, you know the type, where you can't really get the gist, but sort of?  i love the word Divergent, i have used it to sound intelligent on more than one badass occasion.  bitches

i don't listen to blogtalk radio, but i got a big gig coming up... i wonder how many people will actually tune into this guy, if he has at least one loyal fan, he's probably doing better than me

now this one is cool... i like the word know, the tao of wiggles, the tao of ferret cuteness - but Dao?  i might have to pilfer dat word
origins of the world, huh? i saw this and wondered if it was another crackpot theory by the world's leading astrophysicists, who ironically claim that: "it takes a great leap of faith to believe our theories of the origins of the Universe"  yea, no kidding

my deepest knowing? it is far too early to contemplate my deepest knowing, the pet human didn't bring da remote; now i'm gonna have to chew da buttons off to show my disgust...


good morning from ferret burrow virginia, if ya stop by, leave your Twitter Handle in the comment, and bring yo deepest .... errrr  bring some useless drivel