Tuesday, April 19, 2011

aren't we all writers

twitter makes us all writers. it is a "microblog"  by definition.  twitter suits don't like to think of it as a social media channel but it can be.  we can make connections on twitter.  we can type short bursts of "hi how ya doing"  to each other, and any form of connecting is networking.

inspired by a karla tweet to the tune of: "my writing coach says i need to stay off twitter and write more" i have thought about this myself.  when do i have time to write my own stuff?  i have to edit and slash other's junk and sign off.  life is so unfair.  isn't it easier to sit around the swimmy pool sip mojitos like ouchdammit and get a massage?  ( oops, i digress )

karla is writing a novel and has submitted the book to her coach and is working on adding the "impossible situations";  angst and ambiguousness of life that arise in the story line so that the characters can find a way out.  i empathise.  i've always thought we have to make our characters real by giving them a bit of the impossible to overcome.  who wants to read that i walked outside, picked up the paper, and did the crossword?  no. i need to walk outside, almost get hit by a bus, and have a beautiful mysterious stranger pick me up, drop a note anonymously into my bathrobe pocket, and see them later in the day stalking me at the cafe.

so my point is this:  twitter is writing.  we can add some mystery, humor, intrigue, sarcasm ~ even the impossible into our tweets.  tweeting is writing, and that makes us all writers.

so even if i don't get to post as much as i like, i'm still writing.  OMG!!   a beautiful stranger just rang my doorbell;  looking through the peephole, she has a very pleasant gleem in her eye.


follow sam on twitter at http://twitter.com/samuel_clemons

1 comment:

  1. I think Twitter actually improves a person's writing. Being limited to 140 characters forces people to use more active verbs and choose their words carefully. Sounds like "karla" has a goal, though, and that her goal is a novel. Hard to write one of those on Twitter. Good of you to support her in her dream. All the best.
